Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, person, etc.. It is also known as a pledge or an undertaking.
I committed a murder and because I was mentally dyfunctional at the moment of the crime I was committed in a mental hospital.
Now my commitment towards my daily medication overpasses my other commitments.
Actually I do not seem to have other commitments.
Not even to my family or friends.
My girlfriend says I might have commitment issues.
I don’t think so.
After all I have committed several things throughout my existence.
That should mean something, right?
Am comis-o grav! Si am inceput pe urma sa dau din colt in colt.
Comisarul de la sectie ma masura din priviri parca incercand sa ma intimideze.
Doar doar m-oi speria si o sa dau tot pe goarna.
Pana si aia din comitet ma stiu ca pe-un cal breaz.
Stiu prea bine ce-mi poate pielea.
Am incurcat-o de data asta.