Tag Archives: shoes

Thou shalt not mess with thy neighbour’s right to shoe

Thou shalt not mess with thy neighbour’s right to shoe


To shoe or not to shoe is no longer a matter of choice. All that’s left is the almighty shoe. Shoe here, shoe there, shoe everywhere. Show thy shoes, for they will be the cause of your judgement! Shoes might be a girl’s best friends, together with diamonds, and if we’re talking about diamond shoes even better. But when it comes to a woman, shoes are her pedestal.

Flats, wedges, stilettos, pumps, boots, tennis shoes, sandals, it doesn’t really matter, because the magnitude of the heel is not the measure of the pedestal. Shoes go fairly well with style and even better with a little bit of attitude. You can’t just walk in the shoes. They’re yours only if you make them yours. Nobody else will do it for you, just so you know.

You can tell from a mile whether the relationship between a lady and her shoes is a long-term please & prance, or a just use & abuse (in)commodity. A pair of shoes will respect and care for you and subsequently your lovely feet, soles and toes as long as you show the same dignified respect. The non-believers, pragmatics and overly sarcastic bunches might think that this is a very good metaphorical joke. It actually isn’t!

Now let’s do an exercise of imagination, everyone.

Assume you are, hypothetically speaking, in a shoe store. And not the Al Bundy type of shoe store, but the bright lights, leather smell and well-organized facility. You are completely mesmerized by being surrounded by so many pairs of shoes. Elegant, casual, sport, it doesn’t really matter. It’s your moment on shoe symbiosis.

You try to keep it cool and avoid drooling on the exhibited shoes, but a good woman in “shoe fever” can only take so much. So you start trying them on, and on, and on. It’s a kinda magic, I shit you not! You even receive professional and sincere pieces of advice from the shoe rep.

Not those one. The soles are not looking very good. Ok! I’ll take your word for it, but the electric blue almost convinced me.

Again, hypothetically, you are there having your shoe orgy and he comes along to help you decide.

So which ones do you like best?

Well, the brown ones.

But don’t you have another two pairs?

I do.

So, you don’t need more, right?

Oh, but I do, I really really do!

You can see his face frowning with confusion and misunderstanding, while in your mind an idea is born: Thou shalt not mess with thy neighbour’s right to shoe! Not now, no ever! Amen!

In the end you buy both pairs of shoes. Because you can and you want them. You are smart and sensible enough to know that the whole “I need shoes” discourse meets your need for attention more than your need for shoes.

He is puzzled as you walk out of the store flaunting the shoe bags. You turn to him, smile trying to look for your zen which seems to have gotten lost in-between the shoe try-outs and the frowning, take him by the hand and walk towards right into the sunset. He will get it eventually… hypothetically speaking…



Let there be Zen! And warmth…and peace…and love…and sunshine…and birds singing…and flowers blossoming. End. Si totusi oricat de mult as chema io Zen-ul la mine in momentele in care scot fum pe nari si urechi, parca si Zen-ul se sperie si zice: No way! Too much occupational hazard for me, m’am! Si nu-l invinovatesc.

Ca tine de mine teoretic sa imi canalizez putintele si energiile astfel incat sa privesc spre the blinding lights, nu spre pitch blackness sau rings of fire. Dar imi vine sa ma pup uneori cand vad how far I have come in my emotions management. Me gusta mucho! 😀 Fata-mi va ramane forever enervant de expresiva, dar esential este ca atunci cand imi propun pot sa imi reorientez reactivitatile spre zone utile si simpatice. Fara a ma avanta nici in explozii incomode sau implozii caustice. Numai ca evident, ca fiecare fiinta ganditoare bipeda (care nu e neaparat si inteligenta 24/7) am nevoie de niste ancore care sa imi tina Zen-ul aproape.

As fi extrem de descumpanita daca m-ar parasi. Asa ca il momesc si eu cum pot. Ii mai zic de Karma si de Buddha pentru a-l face sa se simta ca acasa in interiorul fiintei mele. Uneori functioneaza. Alteori ma fenteaza si imi cere sa mai gasesc si lucruri mici si specifice de care sa ma agat cand imi vine supararea, fara sa rup camasa dupe mine – I love clothes, so I cannot hurt them! O ciudatenie pe care am descoperit-o cu mare surpriza la mine e aceea ca atunci cand eram abia iesita de pe bancile facultatii si proaspat angajata la ONG aveam niste ancore auditive.

In traducere libera, atunci cand shit got bad, incepeam sa fredonez cate un cantecel. Si nu, nu erau inca timpurile lui “Sunt singurel, bing, bang…” ;). Si ce puteam sa fredonez altceva decat genericul de la “Tezaur Folcloric” sau cel de la “Dallas”? Gata? V-ati oprit din ras? Nu? Bine…Va mai las un mini-ragaz. Asa…si m-am intrebat desigur dar de ce ori aia ori cealalta? Care ar fi explicatia psihologica?

I got as far as ca amandoua erau emisiuni de weekend in copilaria mea si in weekend incepea viata. La Tezaur se uita mamaia mea, iar la Dallas, pai cine nu se uita la Dallas? Devenise deja un ritual de familie unde ne adunam cu mic cu mare in fata televizorului sa-i urmarim pe Bobi, Pamela, Jere si Suelen cu dramele si pasiunile lor. Voi nu? Hai ca nu are sens sa va mintiti singuri pe blogul meu. Thou shalt not lie here, reader! :))

Asa ca de fiecare data cand aveam o situatie dubioasa care implica fum de neuroni carbonizati ma mai apuca cantatul (scuzata-mi fie cacofonia, but think of it as a politically correct one such as biserica catolica sau Ion Luca Caragiale). Ulterior, parca cele doua cantecele au scazut ca intensitate in calmarea A.N.S.-ului meu mai ceva ca valeriana cu ceai de tei. Si a trebuit sa gasesc alte supape. Mai vizuale de data asta.

Which I did! They’re called SHOES! Mai nou cand ma simt oarecum depasita emotional de o trebusoara mai mult sau mai putin (ne)dreapta – Da, am o tema existentiala cu dreptatea deci sunt o stangace convinsa, incep sa ma uit pe site-uri cu pantofi. Frumosi. Sclipitori. Cu toc mai cui sau mai teava. Si brusc totul se domoleste intr-un slow-motion idilic. Si asa ma refocalizez si analizez trebusoara dand la o parte excesul de emotii colaterale.

Dar trebuie sa va marturisesc ca zenuielile cele mai mari le am atunci cand fie merg/alerg fie scriu in galop intelectual dupa propriile-mi idei. Miscarea ma pune in functiune miraculos si imi disipa energiile in colturi sigure si productive ale spiritului meu. Si asta nu se intampla de azi, de ieri, ci de o buna bucata de vreme. Mai are un pic lumea si ma porecleste Roadrunner pentru ca eu atunci cand merg, merg intr-un ritm alert. Catre ceva. Nu la plimbare agale. Si ma eliberez de reziduurile de peste zi cu care ma trezesc peste mine din mai multe directii – Dupa cum bate vantul zilei bineinteles!

Cat despre scris, nu sunt indeajuns de evidenta? Mai e oare nevoie sa specific cat de mult ma relaxeaza, ma energineaza si ma transpune intr-o lume care stiu cu siguranta ca e doar a mea? Inca de pustoaica am cochetat timid cu scrisul.

Incepand cu compuneri in care incercam sa folosesc corect metaforele si comparatiile si sfarseam prin a induce in oroare cititorul, cat si pe doamna invatatoare.

Continuand cu eseuri interminabile la engleza scrise pe jumatate de pagina si disecate pana in maduva cuvintelor de catre proful meu de engleza care era mai special de fel – Din pacate pentru el, cat si pentru mine nu spun asta strapunsa de vreun sentiment de admiratie profunda.

Plusand cu caracterizari si comentarii la romana pe care le citeam cu atata mandrie de ma intreba profa daca chiar eu le scrisesem pe bune.

Ce sa zic dom’le am fost o scriitoreasa precoaca! Aceasta Sylvia Plath aflata la rascruce (de vanturi) cu surorile Bronte, Virginia Woolfe, Elfride Jelinek si Herta Muller. Mi-a luat totusi ceva pana sa ma las sa scriu fix asa cum simteam frazele iesindu-mi din minte prin degete. Dar cred ca sunt pe drumul cel bun.

Unii zic ca scriu bine. Altii ma critica vehement, mai ales pentru ca am prostul obicei de a nu imi reciti scrierile inainte de a le publica lasand sa mai apara cate o greseala de ortografie nevoita, dar deranjanta. Promit ca nu mai fac! 😛 Multi nici nu ma citesc, deci nu prea au habar daca scriu sau nu, si daca da de ce o fac.

Cu toate astea eu scriu in continuare ca o forma personalizata de zenuiala. Pfff si ce mai merge! Ca unsa! Daca sublimam macar sa sublimam cu stil…:) And this specific form of (f)art exhilarates my soul and puts my mind at ease. Deci daca-i ZEN, atunci ZEN sa fie… Ceea ce va doresc si domniilor voastre. Sa aveti o noapte zen! 😉