Category Archives: Poetry

In coloana sonora a facultatii mele

In coloana sonora a facultatii mele

Vineri am fost la o rockareala romaneasca dupa multa vreme de viata ocupata de adult cu seri de somn si muzici ascultate doar in tramvai spre munca.

Si in timp ce dadeam din cap pe Luna Amara, in minte mi se derulau ultimii 15 ani, cu precadere anii de facultate cu concerte saptamanale, piele de gaina la auzul unor acorduri, poezie si drumuri tarzii spre casa.

Asta nu se vrea a fi nici pe departe o oda selenara de luna amara, numai ca viata mea se impatureste vrand-nevrand in amintiri auditive.

Nu mai tin minte primul concert la care am mers, dar am flash-uri intense despre cateva cantari. Fire, Club A, Expirat, Big Mamou, Preoteasa (la lansarea “Asfalt”), Stuffstock, Sonisphere, Sala Polivalenta a Facultatii de Petrol si Gaze din Ploiesti, Baza Militara, Underworld, El Comandante, Backstage, Jukebox, Laptaria lui Enache…

Pe atunci eram intr-o faza grunge-alternative-rock-punk cum ii sade bine oricarui post-adolescent student asa ca traiam cu Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Sex Pistols, Ramones, Rammstein, Metallica, Type O Negative, Tiamat, Tori Amos si Cranberries.

Pe 5 dintre ei i-am vazut si-n concert, iar pe restul pe repeat in playlist.

E surprinzator cum vin amintirile peste tine tavalug la un semnal sonor.

Lasati un mesaj dupa semnalul sonor!

La Asfalt mi-a aparut in fata ochilor coperta albumului si lansarea din Preoteasa. Sala era arhiplina, eu eram toata imbracata-n negru si dadeam din cap agatata de o balustrada. Tin minte cat de umed era aerul si cat de mult imi doream o sticla cu apa.

In Underworld stateam precum sardinele si am dat din cap pana cand am simtit ca ma duc usor pe spate, numai ca sa fiu readusa in pozitia verticala precum un Hopa Mitica de multimea pletoasa.

La Ploiesti am plecat clandestin intr-o vineri si am luat contact cu rockarimea de acolo pe muzici de Luna Amara + Implant pentru Refuz. Dupa care am gasit o bodega de profil intr-un subsol intunecat (cum altfel) in care ne-am petrecut noaptea in asteptarea trenului de intoarcere.

La Stuffstock parca au cantat pe undeva dupa miezul noptii si cand a inceput Cui si Spin am zis ca mi se desurubeaza capul si sare peste public, traverseaza zona libera pentru presa si se propteste de-un monitor pe scena.

La Soniphere era o caldura infioratoare, eram inconjurata de o groaza de puberi si ma gandeam cat de norocosi sunt ca merg la concerte de la varsta aia.

Inainte sa apara Asfalt dupa ce am ascultat Rosu Aprins, Gri Dorian si Tanagra Noise am decis ca trebuie sa fac rost de un CD cu ei de undeva off the record. Asa ca m-am intalnit cu un politehnist cu care vorbisem pe mIRC despre ei si am rezolvat problema.

La concertul din Jukebox am cantat pana am ragusit pe alocuri dupa care a mai varsat careva bere pe mine, iar a doua zi aveam examen oral la Zlate asa ca intr-un acces de fuck-it-all + singurii pantaloni oarecum curati + paradoxul fetei care nu bea si totusi miroase a bere am mers cu aceiasi pantaloni la examen. Asta evident ca dupa ce am continuat sa invat dupa concert pana dimineata.

In Laptaria lui Enache ma intrebam continuu in timp ce fredonam onomatopeic acordurile de trompeta de ce e scena pusa asa prost … sau poate era locul neobisnuit de ingust.

Daca ar fi sa fac un top unspe al melodiilor care imi plac peste masura de la Luna Amara cred ca ar intra: Stare de Gratie, Oameni Noi, Ciudat, Cui si Spin, Intunecare, Mara, Ego Nr. 4, Doar Gandul, Doar Noi Doi, Happiness Provider si Little Sun. Nu stiu exact in ce ordine, dar cu siguranta pe repeat!

Prima obsesie muzicala serioasa nu se uita niciodata I guess.

P.S.: Si ca sa stiti ca nu faceam misto legat de primul meu CD cu Luna Amara…

Heart-Made Gifts

Heart-Made Gifts

Close your eyes and extend your arms
I made them for you and they are full of charms
My heart started tossing and turning
As the thoughts of you kept me up at night yearning

Did you bring a bag or something? Do you have a stacking up technique in mind?
Or do you feel it’s better to snuggle them gently in your body, heart and mind?

How many are there? You ask me in surprise!
Well just about two dozen and five
For this is the age you will stand up and rise
Do you think your curiosity shall survive?

One is the look I give you each morning when the bed sheets whisper lullabies, the cats are purring in corners and the sun plays hide’n’seek with the clouds

Two are my arms meeting yours in the warmest embrace of them all that will protect us from any fall

Three second smiles given and stolen in moments when we are both choose to be playing grown-ups rather than plain ones

Four in our catilicious family until now, but you never know which one’s a cat and which one’s a man

Five minutes of cuddling each night before we fall asleep snoring in our own symphonic duo

Six pence none the richer and the universe’s secrets in the palm of your hand

Seven days a week of companionship, friendship and midnight counting of sheep

Eight glances exchanged when the world outside is too busy to notice us

Nine well-applied pinches needed to remind you that in deed you, fortunately enough, are not dreaming

Ten thousand miles north south east and west to ride until the end of time and beginning of life

Eleven runes on my back let you know every time you see them about who I really am

Twelve o’clock at midnight for sketching mighty plans in the air with our fingertips

Thirteen times granted for you to explain again and again how should the laundry be put to dry

Fourteen cities for us to visit far and wide, smiling and laughing together side by side

Fifteen years old teenager moods with ups and downs and Mary-go-rounds

Sixteen songs sang in the shower like a howling lone wolf searching desperately for the full moon

Seventeen rays of sunlight into broad daylight for your very own delight

Eighteen endorphins stashed in our secret safe place kicking in when you need them the most

Nineteen century scholastic tete-a-tetes about life, death, meaning and brain cleaning

Twenty blades of grass comforting our heavy hearts and concrete looks of Friday afternoons

Twenty-one sighs flying up high whenever one of us badly needs to unwind

Twenty-two first meals which don’t taste so good, but have inside them all my love for you

Twenty-three, you, me and a cozy place to celebrate the time passed and the moments to come

Twenty-four hours in a day to live, breathe, overreact, reenact and make a ‘Please, tell me when I’m being a bitch/jerk!’ pact

Twenty-five hairs on the back of my neck defying gravity when you sweep me off my feet with a passionate kiss

Twenty-six photos taken right when the artistic blood rushes to your visionary cuckoo head

Twenty-seven Cambridge New Year’s resolutions, wandering wishes, hippie hopes and dangling dreams

Twenty-eight happy wrinkles on my face when you defuse the tense air saying ‘I made funny!’

Twenty-nine more years of discovering the rest of you that is waiting for you around every corner you turn…




I am bewildered
For I am bothered
Can you ever wonder?
What lies in me under?
Sometimes I stop
Other times I drop
Sometimes I stare
Other times I dare
Hold on
Move on
Go on
Turn on
Take off
Back off
Cut off
Show off
I am a maze
I can amaze
I am in a daze
I smell the haze
My insides
A Celtic knot
My soul prints
Forget me not
I walk tall
I want it all
Are you in or out?
Something worth
To talk about?





How about…
…letting me in on your soul’s whereabouts
…slowing down your mind from running out on you
…spending more time hoping and less stoping
…glowing in the dark together
…shining bright in broad daylight
…grasping words and meanings where there are some
…chasing fears where reasons are none
…holding hands and never letting go
…breathing the cold morning air
…feeling anyway you want to
…sneaking up on yourself and laughing out loud
…giving yourself the benefit of the doubt
…starting over when you feel down and under
Right about now…




Vioi precum un pitigoi
Dragul meu drag face taraboi
Zvapaiat si oleaca zurliu
Cu barba si parul blonziu
Se duce si se-ntoarce
Cu sprancenele ca niste arce
Si zambet de pustan hazliu
Ma prinde de mana zglobiu
Imi arunca o privire dibace
Si-mi zice “Ma tii ca pe ace!”
Ma uit pentru o secunda la noi
Si ma bucur ca suntem doi…