Tag Archives: EL

Lex Perplex

Lex Perplex


De-ar fi ca totul sa fi fost in zadar…

Sa stii ca te iubesc fara sa-ti marturisesc,
Iar dragul ce ti-l port mai ceva ca frigul
Dus de ierni cu zapada si pomi terni,
Ma va duce catre visele cele nauce…

In care noi doi nu suntem doar niste oi,
Ci fiinte mitice preapline de stiinte,
Iar nurii mei invesmantati in blanuri
Se-ntalnesc cu al tau piept drept,

Pe cand uitatura-ti imi scalda-n adoratie faptura,

Cu ochi caprui care nu-s de deochi.

Asa ca, dragul meu, arunca zarul
Sa vedem incotro o vom lua in tandem…

The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away

Following an unknown reason from the back of my mind, I decided to write this post in my non-native language. I feel obliged to let you know before you get to read any further that the subject is not an easy one, nor is it a topic you would have no problem bringing up at a family dinner while enjoying your soup together with your significant other, children, relatives and pets.

It’s about the one that got away… but keeps lingering in a corner of your being which has been occupied without the intent of being released any time in the next decade. Call me obsessive, but shit like this happens to all of us. Whether we admit it out loud or hide it in the safest place of our brain, it’s there. If you have trouble putting your finger on the person who meets all of the above stated criteria, please try again later. Maybe your defenses are so strong, that work miracles in saving your from yourselves in times of existential questions.

My very best adviser and critic told me something tres smart when I asked him why do people choose to keep present in their memories someone with whom they feel things got away and are not quite finished. He said that this is part of our human nature and that clinging on to “the one that got away” concept is a way of hoping for the best, because at one point in our lives something inside ourselves sent the message that hooking up with that person will improve considerably our existence.

I tend to believe him without saying necessarily that he is right. He is right, I am left, but it seems we work very good together. How do you keep the one that got away in the back of your life, but not forget him/her? You would do him/her an injustice by allowing your memory to act upon these sequences of your life experience as a merciless Recycle Bin. At the same time, how do you keep the one that got away… away?

You can’t always get what you want, but you get what you need… as a Rolling Stone would say. And this, my friends, is the truest truth of ’em all. No matter what we think that we want, we should without a doubt act upon our needs first and wishes after. Needs such as basic stable attachment, safety, the feeling of home, social status, family. Sometimes our wishes get the best of us, tearing us into endless negotiations between mind, body and soul. I want the moon, stars, sun, planets, black holes, vortexes, comets and undiscovered space. I want it all and I want it now!

Just like a little kid wants a piece of candy…


Does he need it?


Will he feel pleasure after eating it?


Will he feel better on the long-term eating candy everyday?


So he will eventually have to give it up. Cuz it’s not what he needs!

That does not mean that he will stop thinking about what if…

And it’s ok kid, keep on thinking!

This is our greatest gift ever: our inner world in which we can eat as many pieces of candy as we want forever, think of whomever we want in our moments of silence, project fairytales and fantasies. But let us not forget, as one of my 5 year-old students would say: it’s not real, Miss!

I coulda woulda shoulda been more articulate on this topic, but the reality is that I ain’t! I don’t want to leave you all high and dry, so I will list some songs which made me think further about the controversial and quasi taboo subject of the one that got away:

His words were like heaven in my hurricane;
And I’ll be happy for you, if you can be happy for me…;
But if you try sometimes, you might just find you get what you need.

Good night to all the ones that got away… and to all the ones that didn’t! 😉

Dialoguri duminicale

Dialoguri duminicale

EA isi pieptana coama rosa in mijlocul camerei de zi. EL o privea cu un ochi, in timp ce celalalt strabatea forumuri moto. EA se gandea ca naparleste precum un animal de casa si ca nici nu le-ar mai trebui vreunul de vreme ce EA se descurca de minune in acest sens.

EL (oprindu-se brusc din contemplat si navigat, ridica un smoc de par rosu de pe covor): Ia uite, nici nu mai avem nevoie de pisica. Te avem pe tine. There are hairballs everywhere!
EA (oprindu-se parca prinsa intr-un flagrant delict, ranji prelung): Miaaaaau!

EL zambi inapoi la EA si ii trimise in zbor o pupatura. EA o primi cu drag si continua operatiunea “descurcarea capilara”. EL reveni la roc si informatii moto.

Dinamica relationala

Dinamica relationala


EA se dadea in leagan in timp ce lacrimi ii siroiau pe obrajii rumeni, iar privirea-i era pierduta undeva in zare.

EL trece pe langa ea calare pe niste roti si se opreste pentru cateva clipe. Vorbesc ceva, dupa care EL pleaca in tromba spre alte zari.

Vine si imi spune ca EL crede (nu e chiar sigur) ca EA plange. Il intreb daca asta e de bine sau de rau. EL imi raspunde ca de rau. Continui prin a-l intreba de ce crede el ca EA plange. Ridica din umeri si replica abrupt: Habar n-am!

Ce ar putea face EL ca EA sa se opreasca din plans ca doar sunt prieteni, deci se stiu de ceva vreme.

EL se intoarce in trecut amintindu-si ca o data i-a dat un inel. Dupa care pleaca cu rotile lui cu tot in lumea larga.

EA continua sa se dea in leagan si sa planga. Dupa care isi da seama ca tine doar de EA sa se linisteasca. Asa ca se opreste si continua sa se dea in leagan.

Langa leaganul vecin EL face conversatie cu o alta ea si incepe sa o dea in leagan. Cealalta ea rade cristalin cu parul balai fluturand in vant.

E timpul de plecare. EA se ridica din leagan si se duce spre iesire. EL isi repune rotile in miscare si apare in stanga ei pe care nu o va parasi intreaga zi.

Pentru ca EA si cu EL sunt nedespartiti. Mai putin atunci cand EA plange. Cand EA plange, EL habar n-are asa ca pleaca, dupa care se intoarce… cu rotile intre picioare.

Nota Bene: EA & EL sunt doi copii de 6 ani, iar istorisirea are la baza fapte cat se poate de reale.

Morala: Ea va plange o data si o data, iar El va rupe pamantul in goana fricii nebune. Ele vor plange o data si o data, iar ei vor rupe pamantul in goana fricii nebune. Io voi plange o data si o data, iar Tu…

Dilema: Do we really grow up or just keep tormenting ourselves repeating karmically the same old patterns?

Poveste alb-negru-rosu

Poveste alb-negru-rosu

Cineva spunea candva ca…

Hai sa va…

…o poveste, vreti?

A fost odata ca niciodata o…

…care plutea prin propria sa viata invaluita de un aer de mister cetos. Intr-o zi, cu nimic mai alba, negra sau rosie ca celelalte care treceau sacadat, dar de fiecare data altfel, i-a iesit in cale un…

La inceput nu i-a acordat foarte mare atentie, dar nu putea sa nu-si recunoasca amuzamentul pe care il simtea de fiecare data cand se intampla sa dea peste EL.

EA mergea cu…

EL o prindea din urma cu…

Si ca intr-o vanatoare fiecare devenea pe rand atat prada, cat si pradator. Hmmm, ce de emotii le treceau prin stomac, urcau spre chestia aia mare, rosie si care pompeaza sange si se duceau direct spre cap unde se transformau in ganduri (ne)curate albe.. negre… rosii.

Deja nu mai conta ca viata era ca o…

…sau ca lumea ii privea ca pe niste…

…pentru ca EA descoperise ca poate sa mearga printr-o…

…la bratul lui, iar EL ca se poate simti ca…

…de cate ori o strangea la piept sub…

Asa ca EA si cu EL, cat si EL impreuna cu EA au…


In timp ce se apropiau de zori, EL i-a zis…

EA i-a raspuns…

EA si-a amintit de…

EL s-a dezvaluit pe de-a-ntregul ca un…

EA i-a spus intr-o zi brusc si total neasteptat…

EL a zis…

… IT!

Spatiul dintre ei a devenit ca o gara gri si apasatoare in care…

Nu mai era nici un chip sa…

EL s-a trezit dintr-o data…

…de toate limitarile pe care le auzea in gura ei, iar EA se simtea ca…

…si tot ceea ce vedeau in fata ochilor era…

Se spune ca…

…dar nimeni nu stie ce se intampla in cazurile in care…

Si-am incalecat pe-o sa si v-am inceput o poveste alb-negru-rosu pe care EA si EL, cat si EL si EA nu m-au lasat sa o termin…

(acesta nu este) SFARSIT(ul)