Author Archives: twitchioana

About twitchioana

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Ceci n’est pas une histoire de faim

Ceci n’est pas une histoire de faim

Aseara, in euforie, in drum spre casa de la terapie. Am dat, n-am luat. Desi mi-ar fi prins tare bine si o reciproca, marturisesc. Nu mai mananc seara. Mama, da’ ce pofta de Nutella am!

Din aia hedonista pan’ la Dumnezeu si toti ceilalti zei care cred ca se amuzau pe tema mea. Pofta din aia de mananci Nutella din borcan cu lingura pana cand iti vine gust de sarat in gura si tot nu te opresti.

Nu! Nu mananc seara! Nu intru in Lidl sa imi iau Nutella, desi nici macar nu costa atat de mult. E la un soi de promotie. Nu si nu!

Gata! Cobor din 137 la Complex si ma duc glont spre magazinul din colt. Ma uit dupa ciocolata. Nu imi place lipsa de varietate. Macar daca ne porcim, s-o facem cu stil! Ies dintr-asta si intru in urmatorul.

Fiti amabila, ciocolata Milka aveti?

Da, mergeti la frigider si alegeti-va.

Cu menta si cu zmeura, bucati de ciocolata si alune. Le incep in drum spre casa. Nu sunt atat de bune precum ma asteptam. Sau poate gustul de ciocolata s-a intalnit cu cel de vina pe undeva pe la mijloc.

Ajung acasa si zic: una azi, una maine. Le termin pe amandoua. Ma culc. Ma trezesc si ma duc la dus. Pun muzica si incep sa dansez in fundul gol in timp ce ma spal pe dinti.

Vad ciocolatele mancate de cu seara in burta. Pfff… Baga-mi-as! Plec la munca. Ma duc in bucatarie sa imi pun cafea. Nu-i! Fac! Imi pun inainte sa se fi facut toata cana. Beau un pic.

Indeajuns de tare cafeaua asta incat sa ma trezeasca la realitate? Nu chiar, dar numai buna sa ma puna in miscare cu ce am de facut pe ziua asta. Mi-e cam foame! Rontai niste crutoane de la supa de ieri. Is ok.

Ma duc sa la treaba. Work. Plec la banca sa ma cert un pic cu beredeul. Zis si facut. Imi iau un senvis din Victoriei. Cu salata de pui. Balotez.

Ma intorc la munca. Work. Pranz. Ce-ar fi sa nu mananc supa, felul doi si gustarea una dupa alta? Mananc supa. Hmmm, mi-a prins bine senvisul de dimineata. Uite, am mancat supa si chiar o sa mai astept un pic pana la felul doi.

Work. Felul doi. Sfidez sfecla cu gratie. Imi pun broccoli cu branza in loc. Ma gandesc pentru o fractiune de secunda sa fi pus broccoli in loc de cartofii la cuptor, nu in loc de sfecla.

Ma dau pe mut si mananc. Buuuuun!

Work. Se apropie gustarea. Vin, imi iau para si checul bicolor. Intru in birou.

Se intoarce, ma vede cu para-n gura sau cu gura-n para si zice: Mananci dulce! Iar! Palmez prajitura.

Zic: Da’ e para!

Revine: Da’ e dulce.

Continui: Ma bucur ca esti my get-back-in-shape buddy. Ma faci sa ma simt prost.

Rad. Rade. Se ridica si ma pupa. Plec cu tot cu para mea. Si cu prajitura. Le gat. De la verbul a gata – gatire evident.

Work. 5 o’clock. Plec in trap saltat spre alte zari.

Still work. Intru intr-o casa de om.

Va fac o cafea?

Da, multumesc mult!

Va pun sirop de agave?

Ah, super! Chiar sunt curioasa cum e cafeaua cu sirop de agave. Buna-buna!

Dupa care apar niste jeleuri.

Luati si dvs.

Iau. Nu vreau sa las omul cu mana intinsa.

Work. Jeleu. Work. Jeleu again. Stop. Si cu work si cu jeleul. Ma duc spre casa.

Astept 10’ 41u’. Peronul se umple. 41 nu vine.

Zambesc si imi zic in sinea mea: Universul imi zice ca mi-ar prinde bine niste mers pe jos pe ziua de azi.

O iau pe jos. Ma intreb cum traversez Podul Grant pe jos. Inca un mister ramas nedeslusit. Incep sa treaca tramvaie pe langa mine. Ah, s-a solutionat blocajul. La prima ma urc in tramvai. Om la om.

Si o oama a strazii pe care o huleste toata lumea ca a indraznit sa circule si ea cu 41 in rush hour impreuna cu multitudinea sa de plase. Oama huleste ca sa fie adoratia reciproca.

Proxima estacion: Lujerului, nu Esperanza. Speranta nu-i decedata, poate doar un pic comatoasa. Vecina de salon cu motivatia de schimbare si vointa.

Intru in Cora. Nu, nu la cumparaturi de mancare. Ati uitat ca eu nu mananc seara? Si in plus, nu am frigiderul bagat in priza tocmai pentru a nu depozita mancare intr-insul. Ca sa nu mananc acasa. Doar la munca. Get it? Nu-i asa ca e un plan maiastru?

Berede strikes again. Inc-o discutie, inc-o confuzie, inc-o cerere, inc-o chitanta. Hai pa!

Ma duc dupa asta la uarclas sa ma interesez de oferte de abonament. Pe ruta de 100 m intre berede si uarclas zaresc un magazin de haine. Frumoase. Ma abat de la ruta. N-ar fi prima data. Sunt flexibila in ganduri si-n simtiri.

Intru. Ma uit. Vad cea mai faina fusta pantalon in cele mai reusite tonuri de culoare. Ma uit la masuri. Imi aleg. Probez. Nu se inchide fermoarul. Cer o masura mai mare. Tot nu se inchide. Ma apuca dracii! Autodracii!

Io refuz sa-mi cumpar ceva de imbracat de masura asta! Io nu am purtat niciodata masura asta! No fucking way! Le las si plec mancand pamantul. Ala cu siguranta nu se depune. Gonesc suta de metri standuri catre uarclas. Ajung.

La receptie doamna de serviciu.

Asteptati un pic ca s-a dus pana la baie. Astept. Incepe o muzica house data de sa-ti sara timpanul direct pe boxa. Spinning. Revine de la baie. Strig printre decibeli:

As vrea sa stiu cat costa abonamentul lunar la dvs.

Aha, am inteles, si pe 3 luni?

Ce ziceti? Ah, sa va las o adresa de email sa imi trimiteti informatiile pe mail. Da, sigur.

O aud in final: Avem o oferta si pe un an.

Aveti? Da. Si cat e? Hmmm… Asta ar insemna pana in 100 lei pe luna. Exact si aveti si doua evaluari corporale incluse. Pfff…

Ochii mi se bulbuca si dracii mi se recanalizeaza functional.

Conchid: Imi fac abonament pe un an. Acum. De joi. Plata cash. Multumesc. Seara buna.

Intru in Flormar sa-mi cumpar un ruj motivational. Un ce? Da, un ruj motivational. Asa, ca sa seal the deal. Probez. Rujez. Rujuri nude.

Arat ca moarta de 3 zile. Asta nu-i motivational. Cel mult anticipeaza cum voi arata dupa primele ore de aerobic la uarclas. Nu imi iau. Suntem atenti la buget.

Merg pe jos spre casa. Dracii si ei cu mine. Asta da exercitiu de emotional self-awareness. Parca ma pot intelege cu dracii atunci cand fac lucruri care seamana cu ceva solutii la cauzele generatoare de draci.

Greu la deal cu introspectia mica! Ajung in cele din urma acasa. Se uita la mine de pe pantofar o sticla inceputa de Cola. Nu beau. Nu mananc. Vorbesc. Ascult muzica. Scriu. Scriu. Scriu. Hai ca-i bine.

Mi-e foame. Las’ ca trece pana m-oi marita. O sa beau niste apa.

Hait! Mi-a venit iar pofta de scris.


Douamiisaisprezece siunpicdefilozofiemultpreasubtila

Douamiisaisprezece siunpicdefilozofiemultpreasubtila

Nelimitarile ne linistesc.


Nelimitarile nelinistesc.

Delimitarile pe de alta parte, sunt alta mancare de peste.

Iar noua, oamenilor, ne place pestele. Il cunoastem, e al nostru, are cap si coada, il putem insfaca si fugi cu dansul la subtioara spre pajisti mai verzi, orizonturi mai largi, lumi noi. Doar noi doi ca doar suntem de-un soi.

Ieri m-am plimbat prin Londra de nebuna la bratul omului meu pentru prima data-n viata.

Seara am suflat in niste lumanari si mi-am dorit nespusul pentru anul proaspat scos din masina timpului.

Anul trecut pe vremea asta sarbatoream casnic cu aceeasi ocazie printr-un maraton de filme si cuibareala ca la balamuc.

Acum doi ma rocaream intr-o bodega de prin Timisoara pe acorduri Implant pentru Refuz.

Oare ce nuante va capata ritualul de trecere spre anul viitor?

Caci in functie de evenimentele insirate mai sus, predictiile capata o forma pe alocuri… imprevizibila.

Vreau sa-mi fie bine anul asta!
Si sa-mi fie de bine!
Si sa fac bine!

Sa ma gandesc cu o secunda mai mult in momentul in care emotiile imi catapulteaza mustarul.

Sa planific ceea ce necesita pregatire si sa traiesc pur si simplu ceea ce e de trait.

Sa-mi ascult intuitia, dar sa o secondez cu ceva gandire critica.

Sa-mi descopar noi fetze, fatzuci si fatzete in fiecare zi si sa le arat mai mult sau mai putin artistic.

Sa cant si sa dansez ori de cate ori devin mult prea serioasa si absorbita de ceea ce mi se intampla.

Sa calatoresc in lung si-n lat.

Sa ma schimb pentru ca simt ca e momentul, nu pentru ca trebuie. Sa raman aceeasi acolo unde conteaza.

Sa imi amintesc lucrurile importante si sa le uit pe cele irelevante.

Asa ca haide sa haidem si-om vedea cum se vad lucrurile si din mers.

The carousel never stops turning after all!

Heart-Made Gifts

Heart-Made Gifts

Close your eyes and extend your arms
I made them for you and they are full of charms
My heart started tossing and turning
As the thoughts of you kept me up at night yearning

Did you bring a bag or something? Do you have a stacking up technique in mind?
Or do you feel it’s better to snuggle them gently in your body, heart and mind?

How many are there? You ask me in surprise!
Well just about two dozen and five
For this is the age you will stand up and rise
Do you think your curiosity shall survive?

One is the look I give you each morning when the bed sheets whisper lullabies, the cats are purring in corners and the sun plays hide’n’seek with the clouds

Two are my arms meeting yours in the warmest embrace of them all that will protect us from any fall

Three second smiles given and stolen in moments when we are both choose to be playing grown-ups rather than plain ones

Four in our catilicious family until now, but you never know which one’s a cat and which one’s a man

Five minutes of cuddling each night before we fall asleep snoring in our own symphonic duo

Six pence none the richer and the universe’s secrets in the palm of your hand

Seven days a week of companionship, friendship and midnight counting of sheep

Eight glances exchanged when the world outside is too busy to notice us

Nine well-applied pinches needed to remind you that in deed you, fortunately enough, are not dreaming

Ten thousand miles north south east and west to ride until the end of time and beginning of life

Eleven runes on my back let you know every time you see them about who I really am

Twelve o’clock at midnight for sketching mighty plans in the air with our fingertips

Thirteen times granted for you to explain again and again how should the laundry be put to dry

Fourteen cities for us to visit far and wide, smiling and laughing together side by side

Fifteen years old teenager moods with ups and downs and Mary-go-rounds

Sixteen songs sang in the shower like a howling lone wolf searching desperately for the full moon

Seventeen rays of sunlight into broad daylight for your very own delight

Eighteen endorphins stashed in our secret safe place kicking in when you need them the most

Nineteen century scholastic tete-a-tetes about life, death, meaning and brain cleaning

Twenty blades of grass comforting our heavy hearts and concrete looks of Friday afternoons

Twenty-one sighs flying up high whenever one of us badly needs to unwind

Twenty-two first meals which don’t taste so good, but have inside them all my love for you

Twenty-three, you, me and a cozy place to celebrate the time passed and the moments to come

Twenty-four hours in a day to live, breathe, overreact, reenact and make a ‘Please, tell me when I’m being a bitch/jerk!’ pact

Twenty-five hairs on the back of my neck defying gravity when you sweep me off my feet with a passionate kiss

Twenty-six photos taken right when the artistic blood rushes to your visionary cuckoo head

Twenty-seven Cambridge New Year’s resolutions, wandering wishes, hippie hopes and dangling dreams

Twenty-eight happy wrinkles on my face when you defuse the tense air saying ‘I made funny!’

Twenty-nine more years of discovering the rest of you that is waiting for you around every corner you turn…




E sâmbătă târzie
Şi fără ca nimeni să ştie
O să-mbin o rimă ş-un vers
Despre mine, tine, noi şi univers

A văzut careva vreun blond,
Cu ochi coloraţi şi zâmbet blând?
Ȋl caută o claie de păr roşcovan
Mânată de-un gând năzdrăvan!

Ȋntre două oraşe departare
Torcând dor pe două fuse orare
Timpul singuratic se scurge lent
Ȋn ritm iernatic polivalent

Capul se-nclină după minte
Corpul obosit stă in pat cuminte
Inima bate o melodie de fado
Iar sufletul e… asfalt tango

Cât mai e până atunci?
Când priviri de foc ai să-mi arunci
Iar eu voi dansa în îmbrăţisarea ta
Sorbindu-ţi şoaptele deodată


Would you be so kind as to shut your pie hole madame?

Would you be so kind as to shut your pie hole madame?

Remembrance Sunday on Stansted Airport. Cozy little airport with calm and humorous staff. Lots of Polish people roaming around. An advanced system of do-it-yourself: check-in, luggage tagging, boarding pass scanning. A very well organised pre-departure free-zone.

At 11 o’clock we were requested to hold 2 minutes of silence together with everyone for the soldiers who gave their lives in the First World War. And so we did. At least some of us…

Boarding time! Gate 55. Slight change of plan: “Please re-group at gate 54!”. Everyone starts running for their lives as if gate 54 were not right next to gate 55. Two queues: one priority, one non-priority.

After boarding several non-priority people who just decided to join the priority queue because they saw that it goes faster, one of the stewardesses inflicts verbally the following announcement:

“There are 2 queues, as written on the panels in front of you. If you do not have priority boarding listed on your boarding pass please step to the non-priority queue right away!”

Chaos! Another re-grouping maneuver. We board the aircraft. I find my seat and settle in. Buckle up my seat-belt and wait for everyone to join so we can take off. In the background I hear someone in their mother tongue saying “Priority boarding my ass! They let you board the plane first so you can wait longer for the others to come! What a pile of horse shit!”.

People are still moving back and forth. It’s passed take-off time. The stewardesses are trying to get everyone to sit down at once so we can leave Stansted. All of the sudden a middle-aged lady starts shouting at the top of her lungs:

“Costin, Costiin! She forgot he backpack in the airport in the boarding area! The one where she had the cellphone, tablet and the rest of her things! Go talk to the cabin attendant now!”

5 minutes later a slender looking girl walks passed me with a backpack. Probably the lost one recovered. I am going through old photos in my storage trying to clean up and make some space for new ones. Little did I know that a circus performance was brewing right behind me.

In 3-2-1!

“I forgot my bag with my boots! The new ones I have just bought from London! I don’t have it!

I must have left it in the cab…

Or in the hotel room…

Or somewhere else…

Why are you sitting there without saying anything? Do you find it amusing? I bet you do! I always have to take care of everyone! That’s why I lost my boots! Because I had to carry all the luggage including your shit!

This always happens to me. When we were in Santorini I also lost something. I wish I had lost your bags!

Maybe I can throw them out the window right now so you have a justified reason to smirk at me. Maybe I can throw you out the window as well…

I have to do everything by myself…

I really hope they are at the hotel…

My boots!

My lovely new boots…”

The monologue went on… and on… and on… I decided to put on my headset and listen to some Urma and fade away the high pitch of my bully of a travel companion and her long lost boots.

I slept for about 2 hours. When I woke up and stood up to mend a bit my sore back I slightly turned my head towards “the crime scene”. Oddly enough her boyfriend was still alive after hearing all she had to say.

His ears were not bleeding at all. He’s probably on downers or something. He looked like a little nerdy mouse with no voice or self-esteem for that matter. Hiding in his chair and waiting for “mommy to stop being angry at him”. She looked vial: between her light blonde hair, fur coat and glossed lips words continued to come out of her mouth like shit from an overloaded crapper.

A really serious case of verbal diarrhea! She paused a bit to take in some air and a sip of Pepsi from her mini can when something absolutely magnificent occurred: the almighty “I’m always right, I always have to do everything, I’m the smartest in the bunch” hyper estrogenic creature dropped her half-full Pepsi can on the floor staining in the process the guy on her left.

He looked at her as if he had already started planning how to kill her, but holding back his words. She started laughing nervously and said:

“I’m so sorry, but you know the space is tight, these things happen!”

Hearing once again the smugness and ignorance of her never-ending monologue, the guy replied:

“You’re sorry? Really?! So you drop Pepsi on me, stain my yellow jacket and you’re sorry?!”

With a scared animal glance in her eyes the blonde shut up for the first time in ages. She could feel his wrath and turned her head towards her boyfriend who she had been emasculating for the past 2 hours for help. The quirky mouse said something on a subliminal tone of voice that you could hardly distinguish that somebody was actually talking.

The “stained guy” barked back:

“Say what? You’d better shut up!”

And so they did. Both of them snuggling next to the window. I really wanted to congratulate the guy for being man enough to make that lady shut her pie hole.

In the airport’s waiting area there was a man with a hoody that said “All monsters are human!”. I couldn’t agree more!

So, using my newly acquired British politeness I would like to ask the lady to please zip her mouth for the time being and retract her head from between her but cheeks. That way fresh air will be made available for the neurons and new ideas might ignite.

We have reached our destination, Bucharest. The local time is 14:40 and here are 15 degrees Celsius with sunny weather. We hope you have enjoyed flying with Ryanair and wish you a pleasant afternoon!