Category Archives: Existential Dilemmas

CELTA – The Happy Ending

CELTA – The Happy Ending

I present to all of you the people I spent my CELTA with:

Nobel Nicoleta
Glorious Georgiana
Rigorous Richard
Marvelous Mariana
Remarkable Raluca
Mettlesome Monica
Magical Mara
Victorious Victor
Tenacious Tiberiu
Magnificent Mana
Logical Laura
Eloquent Elena
Illustrious Ioana
Comprehensive Claudia
Meaningful Madalina

Hats off to everyone for everything that you have done during this intensive life and learning experience.


P.S.: This is not the end…

CELTA – The Round Up

CELTA – The Round Up


Pe fundal o am pe Sheryl Crow care imi canta de zor ca “All I wanna do is have some fun…”, tocmai am infulecat delicately un croissant, iar pe lada militara pe care imi sprijin picioarele sa nu cumva sa-mi fuga laptopul din poala se odihneste o cana de cafea proaspat facuta. E sambata. Nu am TP azi.

Dar voi avea luni… si joi… si gata. Ura si la gara! Dar pana luni trebuie sa LP, LA, ASS, PPT, ETC. Am dormit boiereste vreo 7 ore pe furtuna si vant nestatornic. Ma bucur de soarele de afara si ma gandesc cu groaza gratie la toate cele cate am de pregatit pentru ultima saptamana de CELTA.

Am trecut pare-se la etapa de “Zboara, puiule, zboara!”, in care e fix treaba noastra ce si cum predam atata timp cand toate puse cap la cap fac o lectie unitara care sa ii ajute pe cursanti, nu sa le faca creierii prastie. Mi-e asa un drag de toti cursantii carora le-am predat pana acum de la pre-intermediate catre upper-intermediate and back. Pentru simplul fapt ca impreuna ne-am bagat intr-o barca care ulterior a fost lansata in apele tulburi ale invatatului/predatului de limba engleza.

Si suntem in continuare in aceeasi barca, chiar daca unii stau in banci si iau notite, iar altii se chinuie sa scrie inteligibil pe whiteboard. Pe parcursul acestei experiente de curs mi-a fost dat sa resimt bine de tot si mai presus de toate umanitatea celor din jurul meu. Momentele in care habar n-au ce ar trebui sa faca, momentele in care parca le vine sa isi ia campii si sa fuga mancand norii fara sa se mai uite inapoi, momentele de usurare ca “am scapat cu bine si din asta” care se soldeaza cel mai adesea cu un powernap in gradina printre flori (nu in gradina pe pamant, don’t get me wrong… :P) si rarele momente in care zici ca l-ai apucat pe Dumnezeul Cambridge-ului de-un picior si nu vrei sa-i mai dai drumul a.k.a. getting an above standard in your TP.

To be honest with you, io pana acum nu l-am apucat pe Dumnezeu de picioare, da’ mama-mama ce-am mai incercat. Si de fiecare data mi se pare ca ma incontrez si mai tare, doar-doar l-oi prinde. O sa vina si momentul ala… sau nu, ceea ce este la fel de in regula, caci cum bine ne spunea unul dintre mentorii nostri de curs: obiectivul vostru during CELTA este ca lectiile sa fie to standard, asa ca nu visati la cai verzi pe pereti ca s-ar putea sa va frustrati aiurea-n tramvai!

Eh, partea cu caii verzi, frustrarea si tramvaiul is interpretari personale, caci eticheta profesionala nu le-ar permite nicicand tutorilor de curs sa se lanseze in astfel de afirmatii fara de perdea. Fiecare saptamana isi are its peak of tension pe langa numeroasele highs & lows care sunt deja la ordinea zilei. Al meu a fost noaptea de joi spre vineri in care am apucat sa dorm iepureste de pe la 3 pana pe la 6. Lucky me!

Vineri dimineata, la grupul de suport matinal in care stateam cu totii calare pe imprimanta sa ne pregatim materialele pentru TP si ASS (stop giggling, cuz it’s not ass as in behind, it’s ass as in assignment), am concluzionat ca exista si alta lume care nu pusese geana pe geana in noaptea anterioara. De ce? ma puteti intreba senini…

Pai dragii babei (si chiar cred ca sunt indreptatita sa ma autointitulez astfel intrucat mi-au iesit ceva peri albi de cand cu CELTA), io de exemplu vineri a trebuit sa predau la clasa, pe de o parte, cat sa si predau un assignment, pe de alta parte. Joi am mers la curs de la 08:30-17:00, am ajuns acasa pe la 18:00ish, m-am invartit de 3 ori intr-un loc pana pe la 19:30 si de atunci pana la 02:30 A.M. the following day m-am pironit pe canapea cu laptopul in brate, ca sa imi fac toate cele pentru a doua zi. Am avut un moment scurt de WTFaaaaaac?! pentru ca le vedeam pe toate venind peste mine, coplesindu-ma si lasandu-ma livida fara pic de suflare in mine! Dar my comeback was strong. Cu muzica din anii ’90 pe fundal m-am apucat de treaba. Si-am facut-o. Nu perfect, dar cu ideea perfectiunii in ganduri si-n simtiri.

Mi-am mai notat chestii amuzante care s-au spus/gandit in clasa de la saptamana 2 incoace si o sa vi le dau spre vizionare, dar tocmai mi-a venit in minte momentul in care am fost scolded by one of our tutors intr-o zi, cre’ca joi daca nu ma insel, pentru accesele de snorting pseudo-isteric carora le-am dat voie sa fie fix in mijlocului unui TP in care noi, aia care nu predam, trebuia sa fim intr-o bucata, observand, ajutand, si nu razand precum niste liceeni la orele de educatie sexuala.

N-as putea sa spun ce ne-a dat startul, dar stiu ca la un moment dat am fost informati gracefully ca daca mai continuam in stilul asta vom fi catapultati din clasa cu fulgi cu tot. Ne-am potolit, dar isteria era mult prea mare. Atinsese cote alarmante! De ce? Pentru simplul fapt ca nu predam in ziua aia si deci mintea zburda de zaluda printre circumvolutiuni, iar oboseala ii tinea isonul. Ne-am luat o portie buna de morala de ne venea sa ne sapam gropi in care sa ne varam capetele pe loc, precum niste struti urbani.

Slava Domnului pentru rabdarea si intelepciunea tutorilor nostri, ca daca nu era asa cum este, s-ar fi lasat cu avertismente peste avertismente. Si mai e ceva: Slava Domnului ca fiecare dintre cei 12 trainees stie ca his outside-the-classroom persona is and should be very different from his inside-the-classroom persona. Altfel, ar fi iesit o mare varza! Profesionalismul nu ne lipseste, poate doar oleaca de autocontrol, dar nu e nimic care nu poate fi remediat de un weekend de tihna si recentrare pe sine si ai nostri.

Ah, BTW, printre snopul de chestii faine de dinamica de grup de CELTA trainees s-a intamplat inca una tare: la sfarsitul fiecarei saptamani de blood, sweat and tears, am iesit la “bere” to laugh our heads off, thank God we’re still alive, make sense of the week and vent a little bit.

Acum feast your eyes on some juicy (inter)personal insights from the past two weeks. Viewer’s discretion IS advised…


How about dressing up for a funeral?
Let’s have a cannibal celebration!
Relatives should be relative…
The moodal verbs are oozy, just like the squeltchy mud
Forget the hidden stakes/standards you set up for yourself for they might hit you in the head while you’re sprinting the last mile until the finish and shatter your illusion of success.
It’s a slight difference between unique and eunuch!


Give activities the time they need!
Your logical staging is staggering!
I cocked it up, you cocked it up, he cocked it up, she cocked it up… Cock-a-doodle-dooo!
Let’s discuss about roundabouts!
Shall wear a suitable attire or just a tire?
I will dwell on a well until I get well and meet Elle.
Come for table, comfortable for comfort table?
I was thinking of but in a weak form. Yeah, that happens when you’re speaking out of your butt…
There clearly are rules of stress in English!
In classroom be prepared to make a fool of yourself in order to facilitate pronunciation…


Coping with stress? I’m working with it. Do you have stress problems?
Ven du ve gou tu vor? a.k.a. When do we go to war (German speaker style…)

DAY 11

Expect everything, I always say, and the unexpected never happens!
I catnapped my cat, while she was taking a nap. Of course, she snapped ass she felt trapped!
Mr. Smith is a locksmith. He likes to lock himself in places. Mrs. Smith is a blacksmith. She likes to give people black eyes. I, on the other hand, am a wordsmith, as people are often smitten by my words.
To swan or to swine? That is the question…
I dare you to tease my brain! Should you succeed, I’ll tease your ego…

DAY 12

I’m as creative as a potato. A sweet potato! 🙂
Today children, we’re gonna learn the passive aggressive voice!
What drives men and women when driving?

DAY 14

Hold on to your hot hard heart and hurry up the hill!
I noticed that when you’re drunk you have problems with your unvoiced dental fricatives…
You can have your bush trimmed any time of the month!
Behead, he ahead, be a head or bee head?
Pavlov, Stanford, Milgram & Asch sitting in a tree E-X-P-E-R-I-M-E-N-T-I-N-G!
Would you like to be with your feet on the ground or better with your feet in the ground?
How does a con cope with the psychological effects of confinement?
Does being self-sufficient suffice?
I am argumentative, humourous, extrovert, rebellious, talkative, slightly arrogant, resilient, attention-seeking and self-sufficient. Oh my! I could easily go the the moon and back!
There’s no more room in the room!
Meaningful writing rocks!

Hoping that you had the chance to experiment second hand what CELTA training is all about in terms of effort, emotions and actions, wish me luck for the last week of the course. TP-7, TP-8 and ASS-4 here I come! Come out, come out, wherever you are…

A Mid-CELTA Summer’s Dream

A Mid-CELTA Summer’s Dream

Va anunt cu mandrie si fara de prejudecata ca maine voi fi avand ziua 11 din CELTA! Da, am ajuns la ziua 11. A mai trecut o saptamana de stradanii, cazne si pozne.

By Friday I was sure that, somehow during the day, I will just pause everything and lay down comfortably on the cool tiles in the hallway, for some meditation and soul-searching. Why? Because I obviously needed it… Intre timp m-am recentrat prin alte metode si am revenit la sentimente mai bune.

Evident, Fasconalul a ajutat, fiindu-mi un prieten drag atat joi, cat si vineri. Joi de cu seara pana in miez de noapte (alba nascatoare de par alb) am trudit precum micul chinez pe bobul de orez. Dar cat de bine mi-a prins. Mai tineti minte sentimentul ala de satisfactie pe care il aveati (in sesiune de cele mai multe ori) cand dupa o perioada intensa de studiu, reuseati sa luati un examen cu brio? Eh, cam pe-acolo m-am scaldat si io vineri, dupa o joi noapte fierbinte.

Recunosc cu mana pe diploma de CAE faptul ca nu ma asteptam sa beneficiez de atatea stari si experiente during CELTA. Dar ce faina mi-a fost surprinderea! E bine ca din cand in cand sa mai realizezi ca unele lucruri, unii oameni si unele experiente inca te pot surprinde. Da, da! Pe tine, ala care te crezi in mare parte a timpului desteptaciunea intruchipata.

Nu ma intelege gresit! Sunt convinsa ca esti istet, glumet, semet, cat si drumet, dar auto-suficienta asta blazata nu face bine deloc. Desi e confortabil sa tii cu dintii (molari, premolari, incisivi, de care mai ai) de dansa, simtamantul paradoxal de satisfactie care te strabate in momentul in care apare cineva care iti da doo palme making your jaw drop in an instant merita pastrat.

Sunt multe de spus, dar parca nu-mi vine sa le dau drumul. Sunt ale mele deocamdata. Mai lasati-ma un pic cu toate starile din saptamana care tocmai se sfarseste. Nu sunt pregatita sa le dau drumul. Tot ceea ce pot afirma cu tarie este ca…


CELTA – The Beginning

CELTA – The Beginning

Celta si-a luat inima-n dinti si sa dus pusca spre CELTA! Ce-a manat-o-n lupta? Dragostea de patrie, bineinteles, cat si pasiunea pentru limba engleza si predat. V-am povestit despre cariera mea de profesor de engleza din cadrul uneia dintre cele mai prestigioase institutii educationale create vreodata, respectiv dormitorul parintilor mei? Nu? S-ar impune o mini-incursiunea ca sa faceti o idee despre profunzimea motivatiei de a dobandi un Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults.

Cand eram prin gimnaziu, mi se parea absolut fascinant sa fii profesor. De atunci pana acum aceasta credinta de viata nu a suferit modificari considerabile, ci doar cateva modulatii si nuantari. Sa fii profesor este intr-adevar una dintre cele mai complexe alegeri vocationale pe care le poti face… Pe locul doi pentru mine, dupa cea de psiholog si psihoterapeut. Partea amuzanta este ca cele doua, profesoratul si psihoterapia, au destul de multe intersectari conceptuale si metodologice, fiind in sine doua profesii pe cat de complexe, pe atat de diferite in termeni de scopuri si mijloace.

Inscrierea la examenul de admitere pentru cursul CELTA n-a fost o decizie tocmai usor de luat, ci s-a nascut dupa un travaliu de cateva zile si nopti de brainstorming si calcule intense de timp si bani. Caci cursul nu este ceea ce ai putea numi o perfectionare profesionala accesibila. Nu-i deloc! Acesta ar fi poate si unul dintre motivele pentru care am concluzionat in cele din urma ca merita investitia de resurse de tot felul.

Sunt multumita si impacata cu toate aceste aspecte, intrucat imi este absolut clar ca la finalul cursului voi fi mai ceva precum omul nou…hmmm… sau poate omul ou! :)) Calitatea unui curs de orice fel din punctul meu de vedere este data atat de participantii la curs (si dinamica dintre acestia), profesori, mijloace, metoda, organizare si cate si mai cate. Dar ati inteles ideea principala, nu?

In CELTA aerul este vizibil mai rarefiat. Trebuie sa-ti faci o strategie de a te mentine pe linia de plutire, cat si sa gasesti o modalitate sa sari tot timpul la nivelul urmator. E o provocare continua, mai ceva ca aceea din The Hunger Games, metaforic vorbind fara doar si poate. Scopul nu este nici pe departe unul ilogic. Structura, managementul de resurse si avalansa de factori umani dau tonul fiecarei zile de lucru.

White Horse - Good

Pale Horse

Noi lucram, nu ne jucam! Eh, ne mai si jucam, dar lucrand. Ne jucam cu cuvinte, structuri morfologice, transcrieri fonetice, unii cu altii, cat si cu nervii formatorilor nostri. Suntem precum cei 12 apostoli (cine-i mai bisericos sa imi scuze blasfemia din start, rogu-va) sau poate ca cei 12 calareti ai apocalipsei (care de fapt erau 4). Ne rugam sa nu o dam cu mucii-n fasole in timpul TP-urilor dupa care galopam mai mult sau mai putin raniti… in orgoliu, catre urmatoarea provocare incercand sa ignoram norii negri de presiune personala si profesionala.

Black Horse

Red Horseman

Pana acum am avut doua TP-uri si-am trait sa povestesc despre asta. Repet, tensiunea e mare, joaca nu-i tocmai o joaca de copii, dar rezultatele proiectate in viitor merita fiecare picatura de sudoare, nerv dislocat, ora din noapte nedormita sau fir de mandrie ciufulit. Ieri am terminat prima saptamana din 4. Optimism vorbind, am parcurs un sfert din CELTA. Pesimist, mai am trei sferturi. Realist, asta mi-am dorit, so bring it on! 😀 Nu mai am timp de nimic in timpul saptamanii.

Ma fugaresc precum hotii de cai de acasa la curs si-napoi, incercand poate sa lungesc drumul de intoarcere ca sa mai respir si ceva aer de seara. Timpul mi se scurge printre LP-uri, written assignments si background research-uri. Zilele au incetat sa fie luni, marti, miercuri, joi, vineri si s-au transformat in fara TP, cu TP, fara TP, fara TP, cu TP. And this is only the beginning! There is, I’m sure much more to come and I, I am waiting impatiently for it…

Si ca sa get a glimpse of our CELTA wits sounds like, mi-am notat niste vorbe de duh pe care vreau sa pe impartasesc cu voi. Pot fi categorisite ca bottom-line-uri, words of wisdom sau humourous moments.


Moje ime je Joana i ja imam 4 crvene šipke. a.k.a. My name is Ioana and I have four red rods… in Serbian.


You can’t teach anybody anything. What you can do is help them learn…
Mistakes can be anonymous.


Stop trying to re-invent the wheel and follow the bloody course structure!
My tailor is rich.


Most of the time, you don’t have all the time in the world!
Don’t rush it! Instead, focus on time well-spent!
You can call me EEWANA!
Every language has its deepthongs! :))
A lesson is like a film, football match, meal and symphony all together.
Remember, remember the apple-shaped LPs!
You can go from zero to hero…
Teach the learners, not the plan!
My circumvolutions are convoluted! 😀


Sleep like a baby although you’re not one!
I apologize profusely!
That’s simply a piece of bull sheet…
Good teaching is varied, no need to be worried (phonemic transcript: WARID! :P)

Wish me luck for the following 3 weeks! Otherwise, I’m lovin’ it! 🙂



Does fighting make us grow up or… grow apart? Probably the question which comes to my mind every time I fight with… somebody meaningful in my life! I believe there is the art of couple fighting. as there is an art of war or an art for love. Fighting comes somewhere in-between love and war, so technically anything goes…

Technically! When chairs start flying in the thick tense air you just know that you have reached a brand new rock bottom. But maybe I rushed a bit into the whole “chairs flying through the air” situation, because it couples rarely start their fighting routines so abruptly. Each couple has it and they see it coming while they’re sitting in a crowd and one of them does something “unforgivable” in the other’s big staring eyes.

And from there forward, things just start building up. Mean looks, passive-aggressive remarks, pitch-black somehow offensive jokes, bitter couple uncalled for self-irony, flirting with third parties, vengeance hook-ups, guilty mornings, stereotypical “I’m sorry” dozen of roses, one-night stand pregnancy scare, self-loathing, self-pity… until you end up all by yourSELF. This can pretty much sum up the “growing apart” scenario.

We want passionate, consuming love! We thrive for it, but it has never come to our narrow minds that passion comes in the custom settings of our partner. Whether (s)he’s passionate while giving us the orgasm of our life-time or by ticking off the shit out of us, it’s still passion!

I am one of the women who will never settle for a neat and cozy romance scenario. I WANT PASSION! And modesty aside, when I set my mind to get something, I usually end up getting it! For the best or worst…

I have experienced both cases and concluded that I like the first most. Passion, just like any other intense emotion, can be quite addictive! If you get too much, you want more. You want more, you get more. You get more, you want even more. And your partner can rise up to the occasion and give it to you, because you are on the same wave length or feel frustrated by your unearthly demands and show you a bit of the dark side of passion.

What’s the dark side of passion anyway? Abuse of any kind: constraint to do/not do certain things (permission-interdiction power games), heavy recurrent screaming, insulting, beating, humiliating, threatening, forced sex (a.k.a. couple rape!). Oh, but the love, the love is soooo strong! Hmmmm, no it’s not! IT’S JUST BLIND IRRATIONAL PASSION! But it feels so intense that you almost mistake it for love. Love does not look like that. It’s passionate, but it’s also kind…


Can you have love without passion? Yes! Been there, done that! Felt disappointed, frustrated and sad…

Can you have passion without love? Yes! Been there, done that also! Felt outraged, angry and vengeful…

Can you have love and passion all together?

Only if you’re goddamn lucky, if you stubbornly persevere and you keep at all times, irrespective of your level of inner-frustration, your… humanity, trust and respect your beloved. Giving him/her the benefit of the doubt, when you are experiencing the strongest doubts of your life. A leap of faith in a sea of uncertainty. Swimming injured in an ocean filled with hungry sharks.

Can you do this? I understand that you want it all, but are you willing to give your all to have it all?
If not, don’t even bother dreaming it… cuz you’re not worthy of such a big dream…
If so, show it, believe it and do it! If you dream it that means that you can do it…