Category Archives: WTF?!

Libertate americana, fara indoiala

Libertate americana, fara indoiala

No Doubt a mai lansat un album… prin septembrie. Cum Gwen Stefani apare printre favoritele mele in termeni de vocal range, over all appearance and attitude mi-am zis in sinea mea, partinitor: Tre’ sa ascult, tre’ sa vad, tre’! Si cum zburam io din floare-n floare pe youtube detei peste cel de-al doilea single al albulumui “Push & Shove”, respectiv Looking Hot. Cu sufletul la gura si curiozitatea cat casa (Poporului) i-am dat click.

In ziua aia cred ca am vazut clipul si implicit am ascultat melodia de cel putin 10 ori. Ma prinsese. Era faina. Sunetele se legau dezvaluind un No Doubt matur muzical, dar in acelasi timp jucaus cu unele parti muzicale. Iar clipul, clipul facea loc de desfasurare unei Gwen Stefani salbatica, senzuala si invesmantata in blanuri si piele.

Excelenta viziune, mi-am zis, tot in sinea mea. In zilele ce au urmat am continuat sa caut (obsesiv recunosc) videoclipul. Nu mai era! 🙁 Dar de ce? De ce sa il fi scos? Era atat de fain! Probabil e vorba de ceva drepturi de autor pe care nu le inteleg io sau vreun conflict intre youtube si reprezentantii trupei imi zicea rational mintea mea. Azi de cu dimineata aveam pofta de Looking Hot-ul lui No Doubt. Si da-i si cauta din nou, poate-poate s-o fi schimbat ceva intre timp. Nada de nada, amigos!

Dar, in schimb mi-a aparut in fata ochilor un clip pe youtube cu titlul “No Doubt removes racist Looking Hot video from Youtube”. CE? Say what (Indian)? Pe bune? Facem ce facem si ne reintoarcem la politically correctness-ul de lemn. Baga-mi-as piciorul in mentalitatile “moderne” care promoveaza libera exprimare artistica ingradind orice manifestare care iese oleaca din tipare.

Pentru nici o secunda nu mi-a trecut prin cap ca, in clipul care arata niste indieni care se lupta cu cowboy americani intr-un Vest Salbatic oarecum atemporal, No Doubt ar fi avut vreo intentie sa minimizeze suferintele nativilor americani care fura “cotropiti” de americani sau sa ii arate intr-o maniera cliseica. Stiind probabil in ce tara traiesc, si ca in momentul cand apar cuvinte precum discriminare sau rasism deja populatia dopata cu informatii distorsionate ia foc, formatia s-a vazut nevoita sa isi ceara scuze oficial spunand cam asa:

“Our intention with our new video was never to offend, hurt or trivialise Native American people, their culture or their history.”

“Although we consulted with Native American friends and Native American studies experts at the University of California, we realise now that we have offended people … We sincerely apologize to the Native American community and anyone else offended by this video. Being hurtful to anyone is simply not who we are.”

Dar adevarul e ca nimanui nu-i pasa de intentii pentru ca in comisiile CNA americane psihoza discriminarii pozitive, a egalitatii de drepturi, a hipercorectitudinii politice domina. Mi-a placut foarte tare clipul lor, pentru ca descria printre altele lupta dintre doua tabere: una mai salbatica, iar alta mai “politically correct”. Si ca si in clip, in realitatea zilelor noastre be whatever may, politically correctness-ul castiga, cu orice pret…

Life as it is…

Life as it is…

…sometimes feels heavy.

Like a ball of led pulling you down under, into your deepest and most sincere self.

As other times sweeps you off your own two feet more unpredictable than the strong winds of winter.

But most of the time is just about learning to walk on a rope set somewhere up high into the sky of our grandiose expectations. And in the meantime enjoying each minute of the journey without forgetting that the earth is just right under. Up in the clouds of hopes and dreams the world seems small, manageable, even too common, but as you approach the ground you kinda start to feel the biting reality of things.

Our expectations and patterns can lift and then smash us straight to the ground. We are by nature grounded some more than others. One of the arising questions would be:

Are our feet moving freely step it and step out oriented by our own will or have they become so buried into the soil of our existence that even the illusion of being able to change position seems a luxury?

In real time, you wake up some morning better than others.

Your groggy time from dawn can turn into a groggy mood of the day, or just be the bad start of a great day.

The coffee ritual might be utterly disrupted by the lack of coffee and the obsessive dilemma “HTF did I forget to buy coffee yesterday?” or can have real chances of satisfying your appetite with flavor and poise.

The dress you planned to wear to work is in the laundry basket, or maybe you discover the greatest dress ever in the mystery of your closet and have the unique feeling of wearing something new to work.

The hot water you had been yearning for since you got up in the morning might as well be stuck of the pipes or for sure give you a bit of comfort and pampering before facing life again.

While putting on mascara your eyes have two options: either to play tricks on you and direct the black swirling brush straight into one of them ruining your vision (of life) or to contribute to the best eye-lashes ever invented.

The bus may come in 3′ or you may choose to walk to work and see the sun rising up in the sky for yet another time.

Your team can be the best you’ve ever seen, or in the mood for war and terror. Your over all day of work could be excellent, productive and creative, or just another day you wish for to finish as soon as possible.

Life after work can be or not. If it is for sure you will have a blasting time or the most boring and irritating hours ever.

Your (in)significant other can make you, shake you or break you, or all three at the same time.

At night before you go to sleep you can think of yourself as a winner or a wiener.

The fight or the flight.

The best or the worst.

The genuine or the copycat.

The change or the acceptance of what is.

And this happens day in and day out. As the chaotic routine of our lives.

What will you do?

Will you choose or comfort yourself with the thought that life is as it is?

Will you scream or sit quietly in the corner of your self?

Will you grant yourself the permission of living or being lived?



<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ........................... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========================== ??????????????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatcha gonna do?

Fight it! Fly away from it! Fix it! Fuck it!

Fight it! Fly away from it! Fix it! Fuck it!

The 4 magical Fs strike once more in the midst of the autumn of our contempt. And to think that I didn’t even plan for a poetic post tonight, but a raw and archaic one. With angry roars and bitchy lines. To shake it out, shake it out more so that even Florence herself together with her musical Machine. Outside is cold, windy and rainy. Inside is messy, grey and bombing grenades. Big ones.

I like grenades, but not necessarily when they blow up in my face or worst, inside myself. I like to throw them far away in the 7 seas and 7 skies. And then watch the fireworks do their charm. While it does not seem to get better on the other side of the windows, I thought it would be of common decency from my part to put some order in my inner shit. Shovel it a bit so it would stop stinking so bad. Maybe hide it under a beautiful flowery rug so no one knows about it.

Or, who knows, maybe just put it into a different perspective in which I can see a bit of sun in this God forsaken land of fog and gloom. As I was sitting away from myself, right in the opposite corner of my not-so-rectangular room, it just hit me: every time I am faced with a problem I summon almost unconsciously the 4 Fs to come to my rescue: Fight, Flight, Fix, Fuck!

I’ve known FIGHT for nearly all my yet-not-bloomed life. He is very good to me in times of trouble. I got it from my mom, I guess, this Amazon woman spirit entangled with the force of a Celtic lady. Works miracles in all types of crisis situations, and mainly domination rules big time. A sudden rush takes over my whole body and makes me capable of things I had not the slightest idea I could do. After the FIGHT I feel like a Xena the warrior princess: beautiful, strong and conqueror of the world itself.

I still don’t know for sure how I feel about FLIGHT. I know that FLIGHT is supposed to make me feel light(er), but it is so Goddamn difficult to call her. How could I, of all people, resort to flying away from a problem instead of facing it like a man! But wait! I’m NOT a man. I am a WO-MAN! If men fight, then women fly? Is it so simple as an “if… then…” sequence?

Nothing can ever be that simple in my mind, because this big dialogue is happening right in my head, my darling readers… Anyway, after some seconds of pain and despair, I came to the conclusion that FLIGHT can mean also taking some steps back from the problem in order to see it better. Or even postpone its resolution for more cheerful and witty moments. That’s more like it! 😉

After some FIGHT and some FLIGHT, here comes Mr. FIX who thinks he can be the perfect fix for any problem, at any time, in any season or circumstances. He’s a bit silly, because he tends to assume that one solution works for a ton of problems. Your head hurts? Fix it! How? Bump it on the wall for 5′. In the end your new headache will be so new and powerful that it will completely make you forget your old one ;). The voices in your head tell you that you should have listened more to your gut on a certain matter? Fix it! How? Bump your head on the nearest wall you have in sight until your ears start ringing and the voices are muted. Wonderful!

Ohohoho, and if nothing seems to work anymore you can always use a little bit of FACHITOL! It does miracles on your life perspective, expectations, dreams, convictions (past, present & future), plans and representations of how things are supposed to be in this freaking life. The honorable duchess of FUCK does not give neither a fighting nor a flying FUCK on how things will turn out. It is what it is, and so it will be! If you’re happy and you know it, simply don’t give a FUCK just as the song says it (or weren’t those the lyrics?!).

Now my biggest dilemma is: What would happen if I were to ask the 4 Fs to join forces and give me a helping hand right about now, the funk soul brother?

Women Are Pigs!

Women Are Pigs!

it’s hard… they always do that. as soon as they get what they want, they disappear. they take advantage of me time, and time again. and i let them. sometimes i feel so dirty. used. they don’t see me as me. they see me as some sort of play thing. sometimes i just wanna be held at night. I JUST WANNA BE HELD! what happened to romantic dinners? picnics at the beach? holding hands in the park? or a cozy night with dvds and popcorn? all they think about is fucking! fucking is nice, but not like 24/7. women are pigs!


Titlul m-a atras in mod special, atat de special incat a trebuit sa caut si sa vad exact WHY ARE WOMEN PIGS? Si am aflat… Femeia moderna ridicata la rangul unei porcine fara scrupule sau vreo picatura de romantism. Care in sfarsit s-a prins cum sta treaba cu barbatii. S-a prins ce vor barbatii. Sa fie tratati asa cum obisnuiesc sa trateze ei femeile. In oglinda. Transparenta totala. Si cinism cat cuprinde.

Totul imbracat in fabuloasa haina a relatiilor (post)moderne. Nu ne mai indragostim ca avem teroare de atasament. Nu ne-a iubit mamica, taticul, bunica, vecina de la 7, fosta prietena pentru care ne-am julit genunchiul cerand-o (in caznicie) si care nu si-a irosit nici macar glasul spunand un fad NTZ! Ne-o tragem modern. Fara sfori inutile sau vreun fior care sa treaca mai sus de talie. Down below is safe. Towards North things get messy, shitty, unnecessarily complicated, futile, damaging, broken, done.

Avem treburi mai importante de facut in viata decat sa investim emotional intr-o relatie, cum ar fi sa muncim – Arbeit Macht Frei!, sa socializam cu prietenii de acelasi sex, sa facem acelasi sex cu prietenii de sex opus, sa crestem in inaltime spirituala, sa fim la masa la parinti in fiecare duminica, sa fim duri si impenetrabili. Pentru ca oamenii in general se simt in siguranta in preajma oamenilor impenetrabili.

Adica a alora care nu se lasa foutoutzi (scuzati-mi franceza ruginita! oh la laa… la la la la la laaa!) Aia sunt cei mai amuzanti, cei mai versatili, cei mai prietenosi, cei mai calzi (febrili, actually!) si cu care simti ca poti crea conexiuni mistice pe vecie.

Cine nu are un impenetrabil, sa-si ia un sac de ciment de la un magazin de profil si sa isi zideasca propriul specimen masculin din gospodarie care parca ar mai avea vreo crapatura in armura lui de Naitinshininarmor. Si-atunci sa vezi ce gigea-mai-mai o sa fie totul. Tu vei fi printesa lui, iar el Deneclintitul tau! Supeeeer!

Femeile zilelor noastre sunt produsele plasmuirilor fantasmagorice si alegorice ale barbatilor care nu stiu ce vor. Ele si-au luat asupra-le toate temerile, confuziile, dorintele, (ne)putintele inmagazinate de ani buni de “educatie buna” pe care mamele le-au dat-o (direct in moalele capului) odraslelor lor testosteronice. Femeile pot sa traiasca si fara de barbati alaturi.

Sunt independente, ce penele lor? Pot sa gateasca, dar aleg sa iasa in oras ca sa evite (auto)indopatul si sa promoveze eating out-ul ca eveniment social. Pot face si copii singure – ma rog, cvasi-singure, pentru ca intre timp au descoperit ca in absenta unui barbat cu OO si vorbe la el, se pot transforma si in fiinte hermafrodite care dupa ce se foot singure la cap aleg a sperm clinic and go for it. The ultimate it!

And yes, at the end of the day, while sitting nice and cozy in their own space, which they decorated with their own aesthetic eye, in their own freakin’ time, using their personal funds gathered after years of hard work, they can allow themselves the luxury to be… PIGS! Enormous and fabulous pigs!

Si sincer vorbind pana in momentul in care va aparea Adam-ul care sa isi doreasca NU neaparat sa fie the perfect (fucking) boy-toy, ci ala de iti deschide usi si te invita la o cafea inainte sa iti faca un control lingual al amigdalelor, lasati-ma sa ma zvarcolesc hedonistic in cocina mea minunata…

Auziti? Asta este sunetul tacerii ce se asterne dupa inca o zi in care femeia din mine a vrut sa traiasca ca un porc! Tupeist, dominant si… PINK!

Think Pink! 😉

The Cement Garden vs The Dreamers

The Cement Garden vs The Dreamers

Va provoc! La un duel cineast! Sa vedem care-i mai tare…

Gradina de Ciment sau Visatorii?
…Both! 🙂

1993 sau 2003?
….Call me crazy dar ambele perioade au farmecul si patina lor! 😉

Andrew Birkin sau Bernardo Bertolucci?
…..E prima data cand vad un film de Birkin, care nu numai ca mi-a placut, dar mi-a deschis again apetitul pentru filmele englezesti tematice cu multa murdarie si praf si esenta primara a vietii. Dar pentru ca pe Bertolucci il stiu de cand eram pustoaica, I’ll have to go with him, for now! 😀

Charlotte Gainsbourg sau Eva Green?
……Charlotte Gainsbourg fara doar si poate! Are femeia asta o expresivitate si perversitate in jocul actoricesc (si sunt convinsa ca si in alte sfere ale vietii sale) incat nu ma pot abtine sa nu o gasesc fascinanta!

Andrew Robertson sau Louis Garrel?
…….Nu ma prea pot decide pentru ca pe amandoi i-am vazut doar in filmele la care fac referinta. Sunt stiluri diferite. Dar asta nu inseamna ca nu il pot compara pe Andrew Robertson cu Michael Pitt pentru ca first time I saw the dude mi-am zis: Asta e Michael Pitt, frate? Dar ca sa vezi, nu era el. Ci o sosie mai tanara, dar la fel de kinky ca dansul. Extrem de interesanta coincidenta… Si poate din acest motiv l-as alege pe Andrew Robertson…

UK-ul prafuit al anilor ’60 sau Franta revolutionara a anilor ’60?
……..Ca si overall national feeling, regasesc Parisul intelectual si revolutionar a little bit more appealing decat oraselul englezesc industrial si murdar. Call me francophile! :))

Relatia Julie – Jack sau relatia Isabelle – Theo?
………Aici o sa avem ceva de furca pentru ca fiecare dintre cele doua diade este atat de condensata in materie de simboluri, interpretari si istoric incat trebuie sa ma rezum la aparent banalul “Amandoua!”. Ceea ce m-a socat in ambele cazuri a fost inocenta incestuoasa si ma tot intrebam How the fuck? Adica nu se presupune ca incestul (de orice fel) este una dintre perversiunile sexuale cele mai imorale si abjecte cunoscute de omenire? Technically yes, dar divagatiile sunt atat de ramificate incat doar un psiholog se poate pricepe sa incurce si mai tare lucrurile aici.

Adica problema in discutie nu este daca incestul e ok sau nu, pentru ca nu-i ok, asta stim deja! Dar o gramada de lucruri non-ok se intampla in lumea asta, si daca nu facem un efort sa get to the bottom of things si sa intelegem ce anume le-a generat (fara a face uz de cauzalitatea liniara, ci de circularitate sistemica all the way) atunci cu siguranta ca vom ramane la fel de blocati in proiect de fiecare data cand vom auzi rostit cuvantul… INCEST!

Se pot compara oare cele doua pelicule vreodata in lumea asta? Biensur dpmdv! Si care ar fi ma rog ratiunea pentru care aleg sa analizez comparativ tocmai aceste doua filme artistice? Well, cei care le-au vazut pe amandoua probabil ca au intuit raspunsul marelui DE CE…Sau cel putin asa sper, pentru ca in caz contrar dragilor, va informez cu parere de rau ca v-ati uitat la ele degeaba! 😛 On the way other side, pentru restul oamenilor care nu au avut sansa sau curiozitatea sa le vada pe amandoua o sa le spun pe scurt: tema incestului.

Ce face? Pai cum adica? Ce-i asa de fabulos la relatiile incestuoase ma veti intreba…Let us not forget that before being a blogger I was…are…will be…a psychologist. Si drept urmare tot ceea ce iese din norma zilnica de comedii americane, chick flicks, dragoste pura si cinstita, drame pe teme clasice sau thrillere care te inspaimanta doar vizual (nu si cerebral), ma atrage.

Am un soi de magnetism natural catre the weird parts of life. Catre bizar, grotesc, disfunctional, neobisnuit. Poate pentru tocmai prin intermediul identificarii si constientizarii acestor fenomene, normalul imi va fi mai inteligibil, iar necesitatea sa mai iminenta. Iar folosesc cuvinte multe si par a nu spune prea multe? :)) N-am vrut!…Nu mai fac! 😀

Culmea culmilor este ca the almighty IMDB a cotat ambele filme la 7.1 which is another strange coincidence, pe langa aia cu sosia lui Michael Pitt. Oare sa fie la fel de bune in ochii privitorilor cele doua capodopere cinematografice? Could this be possible?

If you ask me, intensitatea, cat si necesitatea relatiei incestuoase din The Cement Garden este explicata way better decat in The Dreamers. In timp ce ma uitam la the unfortunate series of events din The Cement Garden, una dintre vocile mele interioare ma intreba: Tu ce ai fi facut sa fi fost in locul lui Julie sau al lui Jack? Habar n-am! Sincer! Pentru ca pe langa tema incestului filmul cuprinde lacom si tema pierderii – a doliului, tema supravietuirii, tema copiilor parentalizati, tema homeostaziei familiale and so on.

Una dintre scenele pe care io le consider explanatory pentru rezultanta incestuoasa care se napusteste peste cei doi adolescenti pierduti in spatiu este cea in care mama lor vorbeste cu Jack despre cum in lipsa ei de-acasa cei doi trebuie sa fie responsabili si sa isi asume… temporar… rolurile de mommy and daddy pentru cei doi frati mai mici Sue si Tom pentru a evita ca serviciile sociale sa vina si sa ii ia in custodie pe minori. Thus it all comes down to pure survival care nu prea tine cont de multe lucruri. Nici macar moralitate. Mostenirea lasata pe patul de moarte de catre mama a fost indeajuns de sacra pentru Julie si Jack incat sa fie followed through until… the end.

Sper sa nu va fi stricat fun-ul vizionarii filmului The Cement Garden. Daca nu ati vazut nici unul dintre ele, vi le recomand cu caldura… de la RADET! 😉 Dar lasati ceva vreme sa treaca intre vizionari, nu le dati peste cap ca niste shot-uri de tequilla. Ele menita savurate ca un coniac bun sau un vin vechi. Astept pareri pe adresa redactiei! :))